Category: Nuggets to live by

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Wisdom and Understanding

Wisdom and Understanding

Wisdom and Understanding Wisdom and Understanding 1 Kings 3 7“Now, Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. 8 Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great...

Why Faith Matters

Why Faith Matters

Why Faith Matters Faith provides a sense of purpose and direction. When we have faith in God, we believe that there is a destiny God has in store for our lives. As long as we continue to believe and have faith in verses like Romans 8:28 (ESV) “And we know that for those who love...

Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design Our God is a magnificent creator. He made every living thing on the planet by speaking them into existence. And they are all so diverse! You have creatures from whales to hawks, each made to suit their environment and thrive in their way. Elephants are the largest animals on land and thus have...

Pray Continually

Pray Continually

Pray Continually Prayer is one of the most vital gifts the holy spirit has given us. Anyone can pray and tell God about anything that they want to. We can speak of their deepest troubles, worries, and fears. They can ask God to help them with simple things, like making sure they don’t get stuck...

Refuse The Idol

Refuse The Idol

Statue of Nebuchadnezzar Refuse The Idol The story of Shadrach, Meshach, & Abednego is impressive. While being threatened to be put in a raging furnace and burned alive, all they had to do to avoid this, was to worship the king’s idol. Now, many people would gladly start worshiping the king’s idol to stay alive,...

Birds Of A Feather

Birds Of A Feather

Birds Of A Feather One thing we can often see in flocks of birds is that they don’t go through life on their own. Geese often fly in V-shape patterns, so while the Goose in the front will have to use much more strength to fly against the wind, the rest of the birds in...

Consistency Is Key

Consistency Is Key

Consistency Is Key It is well known to most that to achieve one’s dreams, one must work hard. Oftentimes, people will do everything in their power to make their dreams a reality, putting their best foot forward and pushing themselves to the limit. Then, once nothing sprouts from their efforts, they become discouraged and give...

When Peace Like a River

When Peace Like a River

When Peace Like a River Whenever my mother is about to lose her cool, whether it’s from trouble at work or when I and my siblings are dumb, she always sings the song “It Is Well with My Soul”, written by Horatio Spafford. The story behind this song is quite a sad one. Horatio sent...

Dig That Extra Foot

Dig That Extra Foot

Dig That Extra Foot I once heard a story about a miner who was mining for rubies. After a long week of mining with a passion, and working as hard as he could. Super excited to obtain a shining red gem he started to slow down. He realized that despite all of his work, it...

Consulting Your Experience

Consulting Your Experience

What  is an Experience? An experience is the process of doing and seeing things and of having things happen to you. : skill or knowledge that you get by doing something. : the length of time that you have spent doing something . All of us have had various experiences. Quite frankly, these can either...

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